We have been granted a great responsibility, the honor and privilege of upholding the law. We support and defend the Constitution of the United States. We will obey and support the letter and spirt of the law. We will exercise integrity in the use of power and authority given to us by the people. Our personal and professional behavior should be a model for all to follow. We always do the right thing, the lawful act, regardless of whether anyone is watching.
We recognize our differences as a strength in our organization and our community. We embrace the diversity of our nation and our city. We promote diversity in our thinking and we encourage diversity and inclusion in our workforce.
We are dedicated to enhancing public safety in the City of St. Louis by reducing crime and the fear of crime. To protect and serve the St. Louis community is our greatest honor and privilege and we will do so in a manner that is fair, courteous, responsive, and efficient. We will work hand in hand with members of our community to solve problems that effect public safety.
We are committed to the highest standards of honesty and ethical conduct. We will conduct ourselves in a manner that merits respect, demonstrating honest and ethical behavior at all times – both on and off duty.
We expect all personnel, both civilian and commissioned, to be leaders within our organization and within the community we serve. We lead by example, mentoring and empowering our personnel with the best training and support to develop future leaders. We develop leaders who are committed to incorporating our core values and department mission into each task and assignment. As leaders we show the way in our community by going first and taking the lead, and then graciously guiding those who follow.

We act with fairness and impartiality in our daily duties. We work with the community to overcome cultural influences and implicit biases. We treat all individuals with respect and dignity, regardless of their age, race, gender, appearance, individual beliefs or life style. We understand that our legitimacy as police officers comes from earning and maintaining the public’s trust. We will maintain honesty, integrity, and consistent discipline within our organization to maintain credibility with the community.