The St. Louis Police Foundation was established in 2007 to provide monetary support, services and goods to the St. Louis Metropolitan and St. Louis County Police Departments.
Recognizing the incredible demands placed upon the men and women who protect our community, the Foundation secures private support to positively impact our police capabilities. The Foundation is modeled after effective police foundations in other major cities and is now regarded as a leading midsize police foundation.
The majority of funding requests come directly from police officers in uniform and can be expedited within 24 hours to ensure the highest level of police service to the St. Louis community.
The Foundation has supported a number of initiatives for our department – including a state-of-the-art training simulator for police officers; technology and protective equipment for our sworn officers; protective gear for police officers; upgrades to our Real Time Crime Center; motorcycle equipment and mobile trailers to support police during special events. The Foundation has also supported a number of community initiatives, including Operation Polar Cops and our cadet program.
Click here to learn more about the St. Louis Police Foundation and its work in our communities.

The Foundation’s Work
Only approved requests will be published in the reports below. The report will be published at the end of each calendar year.