The Child Abuse Unit is responsible for cases involving sexual and physical assault where a child is the victim. Child Abuse Detectives are responsible for conducting investigations when there is a death of a child and assist District officers with other incidents where children are abused or neglected.

Child Abuse Detectives are summoned by District Officers to respond to incidents where children are victims of assaults and abuse. If a Detective is unable to respond, the District Officer is responsible for the initial investigation and report preparation. The District Officer will arrange for the Child Abuse Unit to follow-up if needed.
Victims and citizens can contact the Child Abuse Unit directly by calling the numbers listed on the right. However, it is recommended that 911 be called to report any child abuse or neglect case so that the police can respond immediately.
Detectives work closely with the resources of the Children’s Advocacy Services of Greater St. Louis and other area service providers who assist children and families where there has been abuse. When District Officers respond to a call where the child is a victim, they contact Child Abuse Detectives. The Detectives co-investigate cases with investigators from the Missouri Children’s Division according to state statute. A Missouri Children’s Division case worker is assigned to work directly from the Child Abuse offices in police headquarters.
Other Resources

Saint Louis Crisis Nursery offers free emergency short-term care for children, birth through age 12, at five Nursery locations when their parents are in crisis. Children receive three meals and snacks, clothing and shoes, diapers and formula, medical exams, therapeutic services and more.
Children’s Advocacy Services of Greater St. Louis
Provides child sensitive forensic interviews, medical exams and individual, family and group counseling.
Annie Malone Children and Family Services Center
Provides early childhood education, parenting classes, crisis intervention, psychiatric counseling and adoption support.
Contact Information
Child Abuse Unit
Police Headquarters
1915 Olive St.
St. Louis, Mo 63103
Missouri Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline
Missouri Children’s Division
St. Louis Office: 314-301-7800