Safe Place Participation Form

Displaying the SLMPD Safe Place symbol at your business carries important responsibilities that will greatly assist in protecting Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning (LGBTQ) victims of crime.

These LGBTQ victims will recognize the SLMPD Safe Place symbol of safety that indicates your business, organization or premise is willing to assist and protect these victims. To make this concept effective:

  • Please apply the SLMPD Safe Place decal outside the front entrance of your establishment, building, room, etc. (approx. 3-5 feet high, if possible).
  • Please allow these victims to enter and remain at your premise until an officer arrives.
  • Please either call, or assist any victim of crime in calling 911.

To request a decal or group/individual training for SLMPD Safe Place program, please use the form below or email our LGBTQ Liaison Officer at [email protected]

SLMPD Safe Place Decal Request

Interested in (check all that apply)

SLMPD Safe Place

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