Lieutenant Colonel Michael Sack

Commander – Professional Standards

Lt. Col. Michael Sack joined the St. Louis Police Department in 1994. After graduating the Police Academy, Lt. Col. Sack worked in District Four, the Central Patrol Detective Bureau, and the Special Services Division.

Lt. Col. Sack was promoted to Lieutenant in 2007 and was assigned to the District Seven until he was promoted again in 2008 to the rank of Captain. As a Captain, Lt. Col. Sack served as the Commander of Crimes Against Persons. In 2015, Lt. Col. Sack was promoted to Major and served as the Commander of the Central Patrol Division until he was transferred to command the Bureau of Professional Standards.

On October 17, 2019, Lt. Col. Sack was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. He remained the Commander of Professional Standards until October of 2021, when he was transferred to command the Bureau of Community Policing. In June 2022, Lt. Col. Sack was appointed by the Mayor’s Office as Interim Police Commissioner after former Commissioner John W. Hayden retired from the department. Lt. Col. Sack held the position of Interim Police Commissioner for over six months while the City of St. Louis conducted a nationwide search for a new permanent police chief.

Lt. Col. Sack has received two Officer of the Year Awards, three Awards of Excellence, and one Chief’s Letter of Commendation. He also attended and graduated from the FBI Academy in 2014.

Lt. Col. Sack was a 1st Lieutenant in the Army Reserves, and has a Bachelor’s degree in Communication/ARTS from Cardinal Glennon College. Lt. Col. Sack also has two Master’s degrees; one in Divinity from Kenrick Seminary and one in Business and Organization Security Management.