Commander – South Patrol Division

I consider it a distinguished honor to serve as Major of Police for the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department. I am committed to serving those who live, work, and visit our great City. Since joining the SLMPD in 1995, and over the last three decades, I have aligned my Leadership style with the department’s mission statement and core values. Those under my command know we, as a team, will serve and protect the public, cooperate with the community to protect life and property, and detect and deter crime to achieve a peaceful society through our reverence for the law, diversity, service, integrity, leadership, and fair treatment of all.
I believe it is essential to listen to those affected by our policing and be sensitive to vulnerable populations. I instill in my watch commanders, supervisors, and peer leaders the need to teach and use best practices in policing to reduce crime and build public trust. I believe in building trust; everyone must be treated fairly, with respect and dignity, not just externally but internally.
My mission is to set the standard and example for professional excellence in policing. Through our actions, we will leave a positive thumbprint on the community we serve, build stronger relationships by instilling a procedurally just mindset, reduce crime, and deliver quality service to our community.
In preparation for my leadership role and in dedication to my service and development, I earned my MBA at St. Louis University-Richard A. Chaifetz School of Business and a Bachelor of Science at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. I attended the Senior Management Institute for Police (SMIP) through the Police Executive Research Forum, providing senior police executives with intensive training in the latest management concepts and practices used in business and government, in addition to attending the FBI’s Law Enforcement Executive Development Seminar.
I believe in the CompStat methodology and developing creative strategies to reduce and impact crime within our neighborhoods.
My priority is, and will forever be, the safety and welfare of the community we serve, in conjunction with officer safety and officer wellness.
Please take a moment to utilize our Department’s website, under “contact,” to “submit a commendation,” and let us know how we are doing in our service.
South Patrol Division