Crime Prevention

There are many simple steps citizens can take to reduce the risk of becoming a victim of a crime. The St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department and other city groups offer a number of services to assist residents in crime prevention.


Home Security Surveys

Officers from the Department will conduct security surveys, free of charge, to all residents of the City of St. Louis. The officer will give you pointers on proper locks, landscaping and lighting to reduce your risk of becoming a victim. To schedule an appointment use the contact information to the right.

Robbery Prevention Safety Training for Business

The Department offers classes for businesses to teach employees how to prevent robbery and how to respond should a break-in occur.

Fraud Prevention

The St. Louis Circuit Attorney’s Office offers free Fraud Prevention Seminars. Contact their Fraud Prevention Task Force at 612-1412 or visit the Circuit Attorneys Website. For more information on Fraud Prevention, visit the

Citizens who have been contacted by a fraudulent or suspicious organization should contact the St. Louis Chapter of the Better Business Bureau at 314-645-3300 or visit their website for more information.

Citizen Service Bureau

Many nuisance issues are handled by the city’s Citizen Service Bureau. If you have concerns about refuse collection, street maintenance, traffic control signals and signs, street lights, requests for building inspections and health inspections, stray or vicious dogs, accumulations of trash and weeds or similar problems, contact them at 314-622-4800 or visit their website.

Preventing Crime at Home

  • If you don’t belong to a Neighborhood Watch Program join one or form a new group if your neighborhood doesn’t have one. Contact the Community Outreach officer in your district for more information.
  • Take a critical look at your home every four months to see if its secure.
  • Use a padlock on your garage door.
  • If you’re going out of town, load luggage into the car inside your garage. Don’t advertise you are going out of town.
  • Lock all windows and doors when you leave your home, even if you will only be gone for a short time.
  • Install quality dead bolt locks with one inch bolt lengths on each door in your home.
  • Use an alarm system. While no system will make your home 100 percent safe, a quality alarm system can be an excellent crime deterrent.
  • Install a wide angle (180 degree) peephole on doors. This will allow you to see those outside your door but prevent anyone from seeing you.
  • Make sure your street address number is clearly visible from the street especially at night in case you require police service.
  • Illuminate your residence at night and regularly replace bulbs. Use timers and motion detectors if possible.
  • Secure pet doors, ventilation windows and other entrances to your home.
  • If you are going out of town, stop mail and newspaper deliveries or have a trusted neighbor of friend pick them up in order to avoid the appearance you are out of town.
  • Don’t leave spare keys in recognizable spots.
  • Get to know the people who live around you so you can recognize suspicious activity and persons.
  • Call police if you see any suspicious activities.
  • Don’t leave valuables visible to those outside your home.
  • Mark valuables with contact information. Make a note of their serial numbers and take pictures. These can be used to help police if you become a victim of a crime.
  • Put all your tools away in a secured garage or shed so that they cannot be used to assist a criminal in breaking in your home.

Preventing Crime at Businesses

  • Utilize video surveillance – consider federation, if possible, to our Real Time Crime Center. Real Time Crime Center Federation
  • Ensure the use of quality locks on all exterior doors/windows/
  • Contract with an alarm company which immediately notifies law enforcement of activations​ – post the alarm companies notices/stickers on the exterior of the business.
  • Leave cash registers empty overnight​ – if registers are visible from the exterior, leave the drawers open to show they are empty.
  • Secure safes in concealed areas away from public view.
  • Lock interior office doors when the business is closed.
  • Use lighting which remains on overnight in publicly visible areas from street view.
  • Secure roof access to the building.

Preventing Auto-Related Crime

  • Use a “club” or other steering wheel device.
  • To purchase a “club” or other anit-theft devices, visit the Department of Revenue’s License Fee Office, 1200 Market, Room 110 or the Five Star Senior Center, 2832 Arsenal.
  • Try to park your car in a well-lit area.
  • Check in, around and under your vehicle for suspicious persons before entering.
  • Lock all doors after entering your vehicle.
  • If possible, keep your car parked inside of a garage instead of on your drive-way or on the street.
  • Always lock your vehicle, even if you are only leaving for a few minutes.
  • When walking to your vehicle, always have your keys in hand so you won’t have to fumble for them, making yourself an easy target for criminals.
  • NEVER leave a running vehicle unattended.
  • Completely close all your windows when you park the car.
  • NEVER leave your title or other important paperwork inside your car.
  • Consider installing an alarm.
  • Don’t leave valuables in your car. If you do, make sure they are kept out of plain sight—hide them under a blanket, or better yet, lock them in your trunk.
  • When transporting valuables, place them in the trunk before you get to the location where you intend to park. Don’t transfer them at the parking place in open view of other people.
  • Always keep plenty of gas in your vehicle so you do not have to stop at unsafe locations or times.
  • Never pick up hitch-hikers.
  • If you have car trouble, try to get to a safe, well-lit spot, put on your emergency flashers and display a “Send Help Sign” if possible.
  • If you are being followed while driving your car, drive to the nearest police station or gas station. If there are no safe places to stop, honk your horn in short rapid blasts and turn on your emergency flashers. Call 911 and try to obtain a license plate number and description of the vehicle that is following you. NEVER drive home or pull to the side of the road.
  • When leaving your vehicle, always remove detachable faces for stereos and GPS units.

Personal Safety Tips

  • Trust Your Intuition. If you feel threatened or something doesn’t feel right, take action immediately.
  • Pay close attention to your surroundings.
  • Know safe places in the areas where you live, work and play.
  • Don’t let strangers get too close to you, even if they seem to have a reason.
  • Carry as few items as possible.
  • Walk with a purpose. Know where you are going ahead of time.
  • Avoid shortcuts that take you through alleys, gangways, and other unlit, isolated areas.
  • Have a plan before you see trouble. Be prepared to cross a street or duck into a store, if needed.
  • Carry a small amount of cash, and only the credit cards that you intend to use.
  • If carrying a wallet, carry it in a front pocket.
  • Leave your expensive jewelry at home.
  • Don’t wear clothing or shoes that restrict your movement.

Public Transportation Safety

Staying Safe at Work

  • Place purses, wallets and other valuables out of sight.
  • When leaving work, walk with others. If you stay late, ask that a security guard or coworker walk you to your car.
  • Wear your company ID and report any suspicious persons who are unidentified.
  • Insist that repair workers and guests wear ID tags.
  • Don’t get into elevators with people who make you feel uncomfortable.


For Home Security Surveys or Robbery Prevention Training Contact:

Crime Prevention Tips

Prevent Auto-Related Crime!

  • Motor scooter locks
  • Motorcycle locks
  • Steering wheel clubs
  • License plate covers
  • License plate fasteners
  • Personal vehicle safes

Available for purchase at these locations:

Department of Revenue’s License Fee Office
1200 Market, Room 110

Five Star Senior Center
2832 Arsenal