The Domestic Abuse Response Team (DART) is responsible for investigating and reporting domestic abuse cases, stalking, order of protection violations, incidents where the perpetrator is a current or former partner/spouse and elder abuse cases.
DART Detectives respond to all cases where the crime fits the unit’s criteria. DART Detectives receive special training on dealing with difficult and often complicated issues of Domestic Violence. In the event that a DART Detective is unable to respond, District Officers will begin the initial investigation until a DART unit member becomes available. Victims and citizens may contact the DART Unit directly at the numbers listed on the right.
It is recommended that 911 be called to report any domestic violence cases, order of protection violations, stalking, or elder abuse cases so that the police can immediately respond to start the investigation during all hours.
The St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department has partnered with the Crime Victim Center (CVC) for over 20 years in a program called the Domestic Violence Intervention Partnership (DVIP). DVIP Advocates are housed within St. Louis Metropolitan Police Headquarters and provide intimate partner violence victims with immediate crisis response and on-going advocacy services while the investigation is ongoing, working closely with Detectives to ensure victims receive the necessary support and information to start the healing process. To reach a DVIP Advocate call 314-444-5833.
Our DART Detectives partner with several other advocacy and support services listed below. These partnerships ensure that services and advocacy are made available to victims at every opportunity. The Saint Louis Circuit Attorney’s Victim Services Unit is also an important partner to assist the needs of victims and families in cases that move forward through the court process. To reach a CAO Victim Services Advocate call 314-622-4373
Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence Resources
Alternatives to Living in Violent Environments (ALIVE) – 24-Hour hotline: 314-993-2777
Provides counseling, emergency sanctuary, safety planning and other critical services.
St. Martha’s Hall – 24-Hour Hotline:314-533-1313
Provides emergency shelter for abused women and their children.
Women’s Safe House – 24-Hour Hotline: 314-772-4535
Provides emergency shelter for abused women and their children.
YWCA Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Response Team (DV-SART) – 24-Hour Hotline:Â 314-531-7273
Provides advocacy, immediate crisis support, court advocacy, safety planning, counseling and education.
Barnes-Jewish Hospital AWARE Program – (314-362-9273)
Provides advocacy services, information and resources.
Crime Victim Center – 314-652-3623
Provides crisis intervention, personal advocacy, safety planning, legal advocacy & representation, assistance with filing crime victims’ compensation, filing for orders of protection, and counseling.
Legal Services of Eastern Missouri – 314-534-4200, toll-free 800-444-0514
Provides advocacy, immediate crisis support, legal advocacy & representation, assistance with orders of protection, family, immigration, and landlord-tenant law matters.
Life Sources Consultants, Inc. – 24-Hour Hotline:Â 314-524-0686
Provides advocacy, crisis intervention, counseling, support and information.
Missouri Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence – 573-634-4161
State coalition providing education, assistance, alliance and research in the field of domestic and sexual violence. Visit the website to find services near you.
Safe Connections – 24-Hour Hotline: 314-531-2003
Provides advocacy, crisis intervention, counseling, education and referrals.
For Additional Resources:
Contact Information