Unclaimed Property/Property Recovered or Seized as Evidence

St. Louis Police Department officials are in possession of a large amount of unclaimed property that was seized or recovered by officers over the past several years. The Department is providing notice to any rightful owner that this property is no longer needed as evidence by the courts and/or the Department which has prepared a list of property it intends to dispose of, unless the owner(s) of the items contact the Property Custody Division by calling 314-444-5540.

For any property that is not a firearm:

If you do wish to claim property that belongs to you, please bring with you a valid form of identification and some proof of ownership of the property in question. There may be additional steps required to take possession of certain items. Those steps will be explained once it is determined that the Department does in fact have possession of your item(s).

You may view the lists, by clicking on Unclaimed Property PDF.

You do not have to contact the Property Custody Division if you are not interested in having the property returned to you.

After certain legal requirements are met, some unclaimed property items may be auctioned off to the public. To purchase items turned over for auction, visit propertyroom.com.

Proceeds from auctions are donated to the Police Relief Association which benefits police officers and their families.

For Firearm Recovery:

If you have received a letter from the department that your firearm has been recovered, please fill out the documents enclosed with the letter and return them to:

SLMPD – Property Custody
2150 S. 59th Street
St. Louis, MO 63110

If you have NOT received a letter from our department, please contact the Property Custody Division by calling 314-444-5540 or emailing [email protected] if you believe you have a firearm to retrieve.

If you have any questions, check out our Firearm FAQ.

You may view a list of unclaimed firearms by clicking on Unclaimed Long Gun Firearms PDF.

If you are having difficulties accessing the information in the PDF files available on this webpage, please email [email protected] for an alternative document.

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