Victim Resources

SLMPD Victim Services Unit

We understand being the victim to a crime has a lasting impact not only on the victim, but their family, and our community. SLMPD’s Victim Services Unit provides services to better serve the needs and rights of victims and witnesses. Our mission is to empower victims of crime to overcome victimization by providing information and resources to positively restore their lives.

Victim Advocate for District 1 and 2
Maggie: 314-444-5836

Victim Advocate for District 3 and 4
Marley: 314-444-5516

Victim Advocate for District 5 and 6
Mykee: 314-444-5836

Ways We Can Help You:

  • Provide case management
  • Provide information regarding the Criminal Justice System
  • Offer referrals for basic needs
  • Assistance with applying for the Missouri’s Crime Victims’ Compensation program
  • Provide Crisis Intervention services
  • Assistance with creating a safety plan
  • Advocacy with landlords, employers, etc., on your behalf
  • Provide information on Missouri’s Victim Rights

Victim Rights

As a victim of a crime, you have the right:

  1. To receive information about the crime and decision regarding the filing of charges.
  2. To be informed about Missouri Crime Victim Compensation, receive claim forms, and apply for compensation.
  3. To be informed about financial, emergency and crisis intervention services in the St. Louis community.
  4. To be present and heard at all criminal justice proceedings at which the defendant has a right to attend.
  5. To be informed in a timely manner of court dates, continuances, and final outcomes of all court hearings.
  6. To be provided with a secure waiting area during court proceedings.
  7. To be provided with reasonable protection from harm and/or threats.
  8. To participate in criminal justice proceedings without being discharged or disciplined by an employer
  9. To be informed of procedures to apply for and receive any witness fees.
  10. To have property returned once there is a final outcome of a case and to have a reasonable explanation if it cannot be returned.
  11. To appear at sentencing and make an oral and/or written statement.
  12. To be notified if the defendant escapes, is released or dies.
  13. To be informed about restitution and to ask the defendant to pay restitution.


General Advocacy

  • Crime Victim Center: provides specialized advocacy services for victims of all crimes. Clients will be assigned to an advocate who is specifically trained to work with clients based off their victimization and needs, 314-652-3623
  • Child Abuse or Neglect Hotline: 1-800-392-3738 (Toll Free)
  • Elder Abuse or Neglect Hotline: 1-800-392-0210 (Toll Free)
  • United Way: offers referrals for housing, shelter, food, and gun violence, 211
  • Crisis Nursery: offers crisis intervention, community referrals, and support to families facing a crisis, 314-768-3201 (24-hour hotline)

Intimate Partner Violence


St. Louis City Instructions for Order of Protection Petition Online Submission

This is the home screen for filing an Order of Protection online. Please read the description very carefully. Access this page at Saint Louis City Circuit Court Protection Orders.

Scroll down the page and select the order you need (pictured below). Once you have selected the proper order, a new window will open containing PDF forms, some of which should be fillable from your computer.

Read through all pages very carefully. Once you get to the below pictured page, you will be instructed to save the form. Once you have completed and saved the form, click the link indicated below which is on page 22.

After completing the form, you need to will return to the main page. Once there, scroll to the bottom and enter your name and email address (as pictured). Once you successfully submit your information, you will get a message/prompt as shown below.

Now that you’ve successfully submitted your information, you will receive an email and attachment to the email address you previously provided. PLEASE NOTE that the email could go to your “Junk/Spam” folder. Once received, click the link in the e-mail.

Once you have clicked the link, a window (like the one shown below) should appear. Complete the
information by filling in your email address and click “Continue”.

You will be prompted to fill out the information as shown below. You will create a password and choose a
security question. Once you have completed that information, click continue.

The confirmation screen will look like this. This page will direct you to your email again so you can verify your activation.

You should find an email (like shown below) to email address you previously provided. PLEASE NOTE that the email could go to your “Junk/Spam” folder.

Click the link in the email to open the submission window.

Below should be the information that displays after you click the link. You must include the following information:

  • Address “To:” [email protected]
  • In the subject line, include the following: [Your Name] Order of Protection
  • Next, attach the previously saved petition to the email and submit.

Lastly, you should receive confirmation either by email or phone that your petition has been received. If you do not receive a confirmation within one business day, please call 314-622-4434 to confirm the status of your filing.


Information Bulletin for the Crime Victim (OPP-33) (PDF)

If you are having difficulties accessing the information in this PDF file, please email [email protected] for an alternative document.

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